Kings Gym Boxing Blog

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How to Counterpunch

How to Counterpunch
As your skills advance, so do your techniques in the ring. This includes counterpunching, which allows you to use your opponent's own attacks against them to better take command of a fight.But as with most things in the fight game, counterpunching takes time and athleticism to establish. Even so, it's also the skill that will take your game to a wh...
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  3401 Hits
3401 Hits

Defensive Tips for Boxing Beginners

Defensive Tips for Boxing Beginners
As with any sport, it isn't offense alone which wins the game of boxing. This is because unless you hopelessly over match your opponent (and who wants to win that way?), you will need to ward off or minimalise the impact of your opponent's punches.Therefore, along with everything else you need to work on in becoming a good fighter (legwork, conditi...
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  3843 Hits
3843 Hits

Roadwork: Why do Boxers Run?

Roadwork: Why do Boxers Run?
 While few runners are boxers, nearly all boxers are runners. Strange? Contradictory? Perhaps, although there are some key differences between running to train for boxing and running to enjoy the sport of running.For instance, runners typically train for one purpose, which is of course to develop their straight-line running speed and stamina. ...
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  15268 Hits
15268 Hits

What is Shadow Boxing? Why You Should Do It

What is Shadow Boxing? Why You Should Do It
Boxers train so that they can have the best possible chance of winning in the ring. In fact, it is the one-on-one aspect of boxing, as well as the need to develop speed, power and strength in their training which brings up the question: Why is sparring without an opponent---otherwise known of as shadow boxing—so important to a boxer's training?Shad...
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  5606 Hits
5606 Hits

The Fear of Getting Hit in Boxing

The Fear of Getting Hit in Boxing
While you don't have to take part in fighting or live sparring to enjoy staying in shape with fitness boxing, doing so may be way more fun than you realize. It is, after all, the sport of pugilism, so why not give some ring time a try?However, part of facing a live opponent is getting hit, and nobody boxes without taking some punches. Naturally, yo...
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  6804 Hits
6804 Hits

Fitness Boxing Exercises (That You Can Do Anywhere) to Improve Your Boxing Skills

Fitness Boxing Exercises (That You Can Do Anywhere) to Improve Your Boxing Skills
So, having tried fitness boxing, you're now hooked—and good for you! It is, after all, one of the fastest-growing workouts there are.And no wonder, what with the intense, fat-burning exercises and routines designed to build strength and endurance like you never thought you had.Plus, there is the fun, social atmosphere of fitness boxing, just to mak...
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  3655 Hits
3655 Hits

Things You Should Know Before You Take Your First Boxing Class

Things You Should Know Before You Take Your First Boxing Class
 So, you have concluded that the benefits fitness boxing workouts are just too good to pass up.And, that means it is time to sign up for your first class!But what should you know before taking the plunge? Do you need to start at a certain fitness level, is there any special equipment you need to invest in, and which gym should you join? And, w...
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  5281 Hits
5281 Hits

Fitness Boxing: Which Gloves to Wear for your Workouts?

Fitness Boxing: Which Gloves to Wear for your Workouts?
Along with being perhaps the most complete and beneficial workout there is, fitness boxing is also one of the most fun workouts around - which is why you're hooked!However, now that you are taking part in boxing workouts on a regular basis, you realize that the loaner-gloves which your gym offers you may be more "aromatic" than useful, so perh...
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  6266 Hits
6266 Hits

Fitness Boxing for Kids

Fitness Boxing for Kids
 Hey Mom and Dad—want your kids to be calm, confident, fit and disciplined? Simple--take them with you next time you go to the fitness boxing gym!No, they won't become little monsters out looking for fights, nor will they end up punch-drunk with head injuries. However, what kid wouldn't enjoy the opportunity to wail away at a punching bag and ...
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  8030 Hits
8030 Hits