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Benefits of Pad Work for Boxing

Sure, big muscles and a stiff chin can help you win bouts, relying only on them in the ring is a sure recipe for disaster.

It is, after all, the little things that separate good fighters from great fighters, and those little things are usually gained through drills, repetition, and LOTS of hard work.

But you knew that already, right?

That's why you spend so much time in the gym working on the intricacies and skills that enable you to beat your opponent to the punch.

And this is where pad work comes in, which not only helps you become a lightning-quick puncher with the reflexes of a cat, improve your hand to eye coordination, defend and get the stamina of an elephant, but also improves your game where it counts most: Between the ears.

That, and it helps build muscle strength and cardio fitness, making it a great HIIT workout for non-fighters too. 

 The Pad Work Focus-Factor

As mentioned, it's the intricacies of boxing that separate good fighters from the great ones. Those who spend time mastering the small stuff are the ones who gain the edge in things like punching accuracy, footwork, and counter tactics.

This in turn means they're able to land more quality punches, react better on defence, and gain a better sense of anticipation in the ring.

This all comes through focus and control, which pads are ideal in developing.

In fact, boxing pads are often referred to as "focus pads" for this very reason, since working out with them is the ultimate way to get you locked into your target and anticipate where they're going next – or, to better adjust when things don't go the way you anticipate.

Not only is this the "grey matter development" you need to outwit your opponent, but it also helps you develop the muscle memory you need to more automatically react to specific situations.

A Two Person Workout

While there are some great boxing training drills you can do on your own, pad work isn't one of them. This means that for those looking to work on specific parts of their game, they need a holder who is on the same page as they are, such as a fellow boxer, or your trainer.

Granted, for those just looking for a great workout, nearly any two people can get together and just have fun with it. Even then, it's still best to develop some structure around the workout, such as a set series of combos for a 3-minute period followed by a 30-second recovery and repeat for a total length of time determined by fitness level and goals.

But for those preparing for the ring, there can be any number of ways for you and your trainer to replicate fight situations and get you ready to compete. This is why ideally; your partner needs to think like an opponent who knows the right places to move the pads to so that you can work through combos using the natural rhythm you would in the ring.

Remember too that it's a two-way workout that not only benefits the puncher, but the holder as well since both need to think like fighters. Just as pads help you focus on your target, holding them helps you focus on where your opponent's punches are going.

For this, the ideal partner is a sparring mate who you have a good, competitive relationship with.

By swapping back and forth between holder and puncher, you each get an offensive and defensive workout that can get heated and intense at times – or in other words, FUN!

Remember too that workouts should mimic the rounds of a fight by going hard for 3-minutes, breaking and resting for 30-seconds, and repeating. Doing this for 15-20 minutes is not only a great way to start your workout, it also better prepares you for the quick recovery you need between rounds to out-endure your opponent in the ring. 

 Pad Work – What is it Good For? Absolutely Everything!

Pad holding enhances defensive prowess.By closely observing the boxer's movements and subtle tells, the holder develops awareness of telegraphing signs, hand eye coordination, enabling them to better anticipate and evade strikes. This heightened perception translates into the ring, providing a valuable edge in reading opponents and reacting swiftly to their offensive manoeuvres.

For fighters, pad work is great for developing everything from muscle strength to eye-hand coordination, to footwork, to things you may not even consider it to be good for, such as parrying. Remember, the idea is to replicate fight situations, so there really isn't any part of your game you can't use pads to help improve.

Well, perhaps not the durability of your chin, though it can teach you how to reduce the likelihood of you taking one on the chin.

This is also why you need a skilled holder who can challenge you and let you know what you're doing right and wrong – which is what a good trainer does anyway.

One other thing to mention is that while pad work can benefit your footwork, punch speed, and other aspects of your game, it's not a replacement for drills and workouts specific to any one area. Use it as a complimentary workout along with footwork, punching, and other workouts that focus on various parts of your development.

Constructive Feedback

Perhaps the most valuable aspect of pad holding lies in the ability to provide constructive feedback. By closely observing the boxer's technique, the holder can identify areas for improvement, offering insights on stance, form, and strategy. This exchange of knowledge not only benefits the boxer but also deepens the holder's own understanding of the combat arts, fostering a reciprocal learning experience.No one likes to be told off, but the constructive feedback will help you grow as a boxer.

And for those just in it for the workout?

For those just wanting a great HIIT workout, there are some untold benefits to boxing pads:

  • That nitwit boss of yours is now a boxing pad – go ahead, punch away the stress!
  • Tired of solo workouts? You need two people for this one, so let the socialising begin.
  • Got a marathon to run, a swim meet to excel in, or any other endurance competition coming up? Boxing pads can easily be called "fitness pads," and they're an ideal addition to your cross-training workouts.

Overall, it's a workout that brings intensity along with a strong element of fun and stress-relief, and since it requires a partner, it's social too!

Padding Your Results

Whether you're a seasoned pro or rank beginner, pad work can help you improve the small things that win big fights while providing an intense workout. By replicating a real fight, just without the concern of an opponent hitting back, pads are the ultimate way to develop a laser-focus on your target and quick fists to meet it. It allows you to enact the skills you work on through other drills such as bag work and foot work in real time, enabling you and your trainer to further hone them; and it also benefits you as a holder when working out with other fighter

Pad work benefits the pad holder.It's a great way to practice having punches thrown at you.It helps keep your eye open, anticipate punches and ultimately improves defensive skills.

Holding boxing pads is an excellent way to build your resistance and enhance muscular endurance across your entire body. Not only does it provide a fantastic cardio workout, but it also boosts your overall fitness level and stamina, making it easier to tackle other activities and sports you enjoy.

Plus, it's workout that not only lights up the calories in a big way, it's also social, and can help with stress management (Anyone giving you grief? That pad's their face!).

This makes it ideal for those looking to change up their workout routine for the more interesting – and who knows, maybe even spark your interest in giving the ring a go for real!

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